Sea SUP: how to make the best use of your vacation time
Stand Up Paddling, also known as sea SUP or just SUP, is a water sport that involves both canoeing and surfing. Sea SUPs are derivative of the world of surfing, as you have to stand on the board and ride the waves - but to do, this you need a paddle. If you want, you can also use your SUP while sitting or even on your knees.
Thanks to its great versatility and pleasantness, Stand Up Paddling has increasingly gained more and more popularity in Italy too: this may be because it is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender and age, and further, it can be practiced in different ways and in different situations.
Paddle surfing, sea SUPing, river SUPing, SUP trekking, or downwind SUPing; SUPing in the open sea, in the tranquility of a lake, or along rivers: there almost infinite ways in which to practice Stand Up Paddle Surfing.
In addition to being a fun and relaxing activity to do while enjoying the view and the sun, Stand Up Paddle can also be an extremely adrenaline-filled sport: you can choose between different types of boards and accessories, to create ideal combinations for surfing on the waves in the ocean, or on the rapids of stormy rivers.
SUP river or Stand Up Paddle Surfing on a river in white water is an increasingly popular practice which is inspired by kayaking, but which involves decidedly more risks than SUP sea or lake surfing. We recommend this exclusively to experts.
But that is not all!
One of the latest SUP trends is to combine it with activities that apparently have nothing to do with it, such as SUP yoga and SUP fitness: sea SUP can transform into an alternative activity useful for rehabilitation of the lower joints, or simply to relax in an innovative way.
In the first case, you practice yoga on the board, which can be anchored to a buoy, a platform or left free to float on the water. The same goes for SUP fitness, with the only difference that in this case you perform physical exercise at the same time.
Finally, one of the latest and most popular uses of Stand Up Paddle is SUP touring, that is, exploring tourist places by sailing on the board: this activity is commonly carried out at sea, in a lake, or even along a river.
It goes without saying that, depending on your level of experience as well as the intended use of your board, it is important to evaluate the type of board you choose, whether rigid or inflatable. In broad terms, the rigid SUP is usually chosen by experts who want to push their board to the limit with sharp changes of direction and high speeds, while the inflatable SUP is better suited to less experienced navigators, since in the event of impacts or falls, it is less likely to be damaged.
Other key points in favour of the inflatable SUP board are its ductility and practicality, which allow you to store it comfortably in the appropriate bag and also to transport it on foot or by bicycle without having to make excessive effort.
In the case of an inflatable SUP, you will need an inflator that suits your needs. We at Scoprega have been dedicated to the world of inflatable SUP board inflators for over 40 years: feel free to take a look at our website if you are looking for one, and do not hesitate to contact us for more information or for a free consultation!